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Top 5 Benefits of Decentralized Crowdfunding Platforms

If you are new to cryptocurrency space and Blockchain Technology you might face difficulty while running a successful crowdfunding campaign for your business or startup. You will need to follow a decentralised approach for the respective problem. Crowdfunding is basically a mechanism for raising funds from investors for your new business ventures. Today we have popular conventional crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo. These online portals provide a convenient way of raising the required fund from the interested investor for the start-ups.


The major drawback of these crowdfunding platforms is they charge a few per cent of the total fundraised as a platform fee. But the decentralised crowdfunding platforms are different from the conventional platforms and they do not charge any fee. Also, offer several advantages. The post will be quite helpful for you to know about the topic in a detailed manner. And help you to know about companies that offer decentralized crowdfunding platform services.  Therefore, read thoroughly!!


Benefits of Decentralised Crowdfunding


There are several benefits of using a decentralised crowdfunding platform.

Some of them are discussed below:


  1. These platforms are easily accessible and they not only provide public access to companies looking for funding but also help them to have quick solutions for their requirements
  2. Transparency is another reason why decentralised platforms are best for crowdfunding. Also, they do not have any intermediates and follow a clear money trail
  3. These crowdfunding platforms often rely on smart contract technology that ensures the finding that is being raised will be utilised for the development of the company. And it avoids wastage of money
  4. As we have discussed in this post, these platforms do not have any intermediate That means companies are not required to pay the additional charges. Also, they don't have to spend an extra amount on money management.
  5. Global availability and accessibility allow users or companies to run their campaigns and raise money from their peers globally.




As we can see the decentralised form of crowdfunding has multiple benefits and it ensures more transparency, lower fees and global availability. However, it's completely the company's decision whether they choose the centralised or the decentralised approach for crowdfunding. Nowadays decentralised crowdfunding solutions are getting quite popular among businesses and helping them in several ways.


If you want to support startups financially and help them to establish a name on the global stage then all you need to get connected with GreyMatterZ. The experts at this website are capable enough to provide decentralised services at the most cost-efficient price.  Also, by utilising their DeFi trading App development services you can participate in the emerging technology of blockchain and grow your business.

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